What if We Looked at Feedback Differently?
Time for FEEDBACK. No! I feel nervous. I'm sick to my stomach. DREAD. Will my feelings get hurt? What if I am seen as a fraud? What if I get defensive? I hate hard conversations.
Just the word feedback has such a negative connotation and a visceral effect on people's emotions. It has the power to cast the dread spell on us all.
But, why can't feedback be seen as a good thing. Rationally we know it is. We know we are suppose to learn from others. And Impostor Syndrome and Fixed Mindsets are the likely culprits for dreading feedback the way we do.
But, what if we looked at feedback differently. Like an investment. I love the quote "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference."
If our leaders are not giving us feedback, isn't that indifference? They are saying we don't care about your success. But, when someone is willing to have a hard conversation and not ignore you, they are investing in your future.
We don't want to be the person with spinach in our teeth naively smiling at everyone. We want someone to say "You have something in your teeth."
What a gift it is to have people who believe you are worthy of this hard conversation because they want to see you excel. Let's give an applause to our friend, FEEDBACK.